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      1st Quarter Draw Winners

      As we continue our extensive customer service coverage, it with great pride to announce the winners of our 2023 First Quarter Raffle Promo.

      100 Dollars Travel Credit/Voucher

      • Aque Ishee Franchesca
      • Whiljilmia Fullo
      • Gabriel Valenciano
      • Enrico Dela Cruz
      • Virgienet Evangelista Perez
      • Ernard Tinay
      • Justin Carl Mangawang
      • John Rafael Ambrosio
      • Remedios Lesaca
      • Irwin Cabbuag
      • Michael Cabrito Santiago
      • Glennizelle charm Kubaron

      Travel Neck Pillows

      • Gerald Fortuna
      • Sagun Dina
      • Arabella Mallari
      • Jerwin Adefuin
      • Louis Guiller Adefuin

      Carry-on Luggage

      • Amado Catibog
      • Frairie Rivera
      • Oliver Legrama
      • Alexander Uy
      • Jesryl Pastrano Co

      Las Vegas Ticket For Two

      • Silver Chavez

      Winners, please email your address to please put in the subject area: Raffle Winner ( item example pillow). Congratulations again and let’s continue this culture of extensive promotions and giving aways buy by supporting Alexis, Your Int’l Travel Manager.

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